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New – ISC Open Sourced EMR v15 – Features Update
Administrative Panel
- Updated user interface and added splash panel to landing page
- Report by Template added to Admin Panel
- Hid Admin buttons for users without Admin privileges
- Adjusted appointment history to show appointment status, appointment type and deleted appointments
- Enabled searching of integrated demographics when making appointments
- Added “Reason for Visit” and “Location of Appointment” fields
- Appointment icons configurable as text
- Added ability to view appointment reason when hoovering over appointment
- Ability to preserve patient context when going to classic Schedule for certain things (e.g. view resident schedules & eChart)
- Providers now sorted by lastname for billing dropdowns for multisite
- Added ability to quickly look up a professional specialists for billing purposes
- Added ability to apply both discounts and refunds for private billing
- Add new notification for patients visiting with outstanding balance
- Updated billing correction/display screen
- Added ability to edit 3rd party billing invoice for users with limited access
- Added ability to view invoice report after saving changes to ‘manage provider list
- Hospital Billing now allows for Submission after saving
- Billing reconciliation no longer displays claims from outside of the system
- Payment auto populate when creating a 3rd party billing invoice or when reviewing billing
- Added ability to update address through ‘remit to’ or ‘bill to’ in 3rd party invoice
- Added ability to export invoice report as csv/excel
- Added ability to bill from the patient record
- Simulation OHIP reports now display all values
- Invoice report to display results using a service code
- Billing date added to Anticoagulation billing
BORN Pilot and eRourke Baby Record
- Added new eForms for conducting an 18 month Enhanced Well Baby Visit
- Developed a Summary Report for data from NDDS and Rourke forms
- Added new data input and functionalities to provide 18 month Well Baby Visit with additional information (decision support, reminders, expandable record options, etc.)
- Added ability to securely share relevant data electronically with the BORN Registry in Ontario
- New Rourke Baby Record (RBR) module for assisting healthcare professional in viewing, accessing and managing well-baby and well child visits, which includes:
- WHO growth charts for Height and Weight, as well as Head Circumferen
- Resources for: Nutrition, Development, Investigations/Immunizations
- Added the BORN-eHealth XDS integration and updated the 18 month visit XDS integration
- Added ability to access NDDS eforms from patient record
- New pop-up window option for prompting users of relevant eForms during Well Baby Visit
Consultation Module
- Consultation module re-designed within the new user interface
- Within new user interface, added a dedicated module for Specialists to respond to requests
Drug Database Integration
- Direct integration with a commercial drug database (Medi-Span) for drug interactions
- Includes information on both Over the Counter (OTC) medications and prescription
- Drug-drug, drug-food and drug alcohol interaction screening
- Access information on clinical management of a drug interaction
- Improvements to the eForm Generator
- Added new eForm template feature
- Combined forms and eForms sections within Administrative Panel
- Added pagination to eForm list when clicking on eForm tab from eChart
- Minor formatting changes within Emporium page
- Added ability to import eForms from Know2Act’s eForm Emporium
- Added web service to handle communication between EMR and the fax endpoints
- Added Fax configuration to Administrative Panel
- Added web service for uploading received faxes to dedicated queues
- Added user identity to outgoing faxes
Electronic Asthma Action Plan System
- Added research module for eAAPs project
- Developed mobile functionality to connect to eAAPs environment
- Added ability to upload clinical data to eAAPs server
- Directed eAAPsHandler to save PDFs to target directory
Health Card Validation
- Added real time validation of OHIP cards within the Patient Detail screen
- Removed ability to save invalid health card number
Health Tracker
- Added ability to create prevention records from eForms
- Added ability to customize what is printed
- Added ability to change targets/intervals for a single patient
- Added ability to change which measurements/ preventions appear on the flow-sheet for a single patient and overall for a provider/clinic
- Added ability to view entries from a specified date-range selection input by a user
- Added ability to view specified amount of entries (set by the provider)
- Flowsheet in Health Tracker that takes clinicians through measurements and trackers for a typical annual physical exam
- All planned measurements are available in the flowsheet for a complete Period Health Exam
- Added Links for patient resources available
- College of Family Physicians of Canada measurement recommendations and guidelines available in hover-over text for most measurements
- Added hyperlink to go back to Health Tracker from edit mode
- Added ability to edit Flowsheet for patient and all patients improvements
- Ability to edit a patients flow sheet in order to reflect all improvements
- Toolkit templates are ordered by date
- Added final set of measurement types to new flowsheet for pain
- Streamline who has access to enter measurements
- Access to customize measurements
- Added Send and Archive Message functionality
- Added Document Type when viewing inbox in list view
- Inbox now displays documents as embedded PDF or Image
Inventory Module
- Added product entry page in Administrative Panel
- Added ability to dispense products in Prescription module
Invoice Reports
- Added a column for debit/cash payment totals
- Added ability to sort reports
- Added billing location to reports
- Added ability to hide names from print page of Invoice Report
- Auto-completion list for searching provider labs
- Added option to display all versions of lab
- Added ability to unlink mismatched lab results from demographic eChart
- Created a new Label for Sexual Health Clinic Client Lab Specimens and Requisitions
- Added Alpha Lab handler
- Added True North Imaging Labs handler
- Improved efficiency of Gamma Lab handler
MCEDT Integration
- Developed MCEDT interface in Administrative Panel for submitting and receiving files
New Patient Record
- Patient Record redesigned in the new user interface to organize all patient information in a way that better accommodates user workflow
- The Patient Record has tabs for “Patient Detail” (formerly Master Demographic), “Patient Summary” (formerly eChart),” Forms/eForms”, “Ticklers”, “Health Tracker”, “Prescriptions”, “PHR”, “Consultations” and “more”
Ontario Renal Network (ORN)
- Added Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) Module in Health Tracker (also available on the left-pane of the Diabetes flowsheet)
- New CKD screening report available in Administrative Panel
- Added Tickler and Decision Support alerts for screening
Patient Search Bar
- Added a patient search bar in the new user interface
- Simplified the workflow for loading custom preventions
- Added an “Other” option to the prevention module, which is included in the legend
- Added ability to print remote preventions
- Added ability to create prevention record from eform
- Include integrated preventions in determining whether to display stop signs
- Changed Prevention Report to match new OHIP guidelines
- Added time to prevention date in Preventions table
- Addition of a self-learning Natural Health Product database
- Preventions to patient summary to allow for overdue to be visually distinct
- Quantity field to appear when special instructions is filled
- Addition of Men-c-acyw-135 to preventions list
- Added ability to select which vaccines appear for a physician
- Added ability for preventions rules to obtain from “K2A” allowing the customization of preventions list based on region
Periodic Health Visit – **
- The ICD9 code 790.2 (Abnormal Glucose) now triggers diabetes flowsheet
- Preventions list is now alphabetized and can be customized to show items that are specific to a related program
- The Bexsero Meningitis B vaccine has been added to the prevention list
- Added Herpes Zoster vaccine to preventions/immunizations
- The Rubella and Varicella vaccines have been added to the prevention list for females under the age of 50
- Flowsheet in Health Tracker that takes clinicians through measurements and trackers for a typical annual physical exam
- Flags and reminders for measurements or tasks (preventions, etc.) that should be completed on a yearly basis
- Measurements and tasks display according to sex and age of patient (i.e. PAP test will only appear for female patients of a certain age range)
- FOBT parameter changes to allow for all FOBT done within the last 10 years to be displayed
Prescription Module
- Added tooltips in the prescription module for button set
- Moved “Add to Favorites” outside of “More” in RX module
- Added Diseases, Other Meds and Medical History CPP to display in prescription module
- Added ability to edit/remove drugs dispensed internally
- Added more visual indicators for outside prescribed drugs
- Improved drug search interface with “advance search options”
- Clear separation between medication management and prescription writing (in patient summary)
- Reorganization of how drug reason and prescribing practitioner is added to a medication
- Addition of Quick Allergy buttons for: NKDA, Penicillin, Sulfonamides.
- Medication list and echart have adopted same color schemes for drugs
- Addition of “more” button when searching for drug to show the entire results
Privacy and Security
- Mandatory password reset after initial log-in for new users (
- Added ability to change 4-digit secondary password if desired
- Logged in provider data now placed in SecurityService
- Updated security for Clinician Dashboard
- Added storage encryption to second level login PIN – upgrade migration required
- Large Quick links to display links according to role or security level
- Added warnings icons for security to all upload buttons
Specialist Table
- Added new fields: ‘contact information’, ‘salutation’, label for professional ‘specialist’
- Added validation to new Tickler form
- Added Tickler print feature for a single Tickler or list of ticklers
- Added ability to add notes to tickler
- Enabled High priority ticklers to display in default search
- Added ability to display high priority ticklers in default search
- Addition of a drop down menu to indicate Tickler status
Web Services
- Updated documents web service calls to allow for lastUpdate field
- Updated allergies web service to support new lastUpdated fields
- Added web services to expose core functionality
- Added new web service methods for retrieving appointments
- Added DAO methods for retrieving appointments for web services
- Added new web services to expose core functionality
- Extended scheduling web services